Eisenbeiß Family History & Genealogy

History & Genealogy information and links for families with the name Eisenbeiß, Eisenbeisz, Eisenbeiss, Eisenbeis, Eisenbise, Eisenbies, Icenbice, Isenbice, Eisenbeiser, Eysenbeiß, and Eysenbeys.

Eisenbeiß translates into "iron bite" There is a tombstoe in the Johannisfriedhof Cemetery, Nuremberg (Nürnberg), Germany where two men are biting an iron sword.

General Information

Clyde Eisenbeis began researching the Eisenbeiß name in 1979 by writing letters to various Eisenbeiß families throughout North Dakota and South Dakota. This quickly expanded to California and Canada.

The first Eisenbeiß Family Reunion was in Beulah, North Dakota in 1982. There were relatives from seven states and a Canadian province. We did not know how we were related, but we had the same last name.

Four Eisenbeiß distant relatives from Germany were at the second International Eisenbeiß Family Reunion in 1984 in Aberdeen, South Dakota. About 350 distant relatives were there. Since then, it has included distant relatives from France, Switzerland, and Luxembourg.

Over the next decades, the research expanded in an attempt to record all known Eisenbeiß families. Hundreds of folks have contributed thousands of names / family relationships ... and includes Eisenbeiß family genealogies from around the world (listing of contributors). The genealogy has expanded to over 14,000 relatives.

Special acknowledgement is given to Albert Eisenbeiß of Germany, Henri Eisenbeis of France, and Dennis Eisenbeis of California for their long term commitment to this extensive effort.

History & Genealogy

Eisenbeiß Family History & Genealogy books have contained extensive information about Eisenbeiß families, letters, histories, maps, coat-of-arms, and genealogy dating back to the 1500's.

There are no plans to publish another history / genealogy book. All of the book contents can be found at these links:
  • Eisenbeiß Family History
  • Eisenbeiß Family Genealogy
            Because there are many ancestors with the same name, it may be easier to find
               your ancestor by searching for the wife's maiden name.
  • Eisenbeiß Family Genealogy Index

  • Additions / corrections can be emailed to Clyde Eisenbeis (details on the genealogy book format)

    International Eisenbeiß Family Reunion

    An International Eisenbeiß Family Reunion is held every three years.

    Eisenbeiß familes have come to the reunion from many US states ... and from Canada, Germany, Switzerland, France, and Luxembourg.

    The next reunion is scheduled for 21-22 June 2025 in Bismarck, North Dakota.

    For questions about the reunion => Shirley Ryberg <Eisenbeisz.Reunion@gmail.com>.

    To be added to the reunion mailing list => Ed Eisenbeisz <edwin.eisenbeisz@gmail.com> with your name, address, and email adr.

    Usually two mailings occur ... one about a year before the reunion and a second a few months before the reunion.

    The 2025 Eisenbeiß Family Reunion Information.

    Germans from Russia Recipes

  • Germans from Russia Recipes

  • Images

    Eisenbeiß translates into "iron bite" ... in the following examples, biting an iron sword.

    J.C. Eisenbeiss Tomb (1894) in the Johannisfriedhof Cemetery, Nuremberg (Nürnberg), Germany

    J.C. Eisenbeiss and J.W. Eisenbeiss owned a Lebkuchen store in Nuremberg (Nürnberg), Germany

    Image created by Viktoria Eisenbeis Tsvetkovskaya (Moscow, Russia)

    Wood carving by Franz Eisenbeis (Luxembourg)

    This image is also engraved on the purchase agreement of the mill of Wellesweiler by Seyfried Eisenbeiss.


    The Eisenbeiß name is found in Freudenstadt, Neuenkirchen, Eliasbrunn, and Nuremberg (Nürnberg), Germany in the 1500's and 1600's.

    Book Covers

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  • Henke Genealogy website
  • Ricker Genealogy website
  • Ries Genealogy website

  • Germans who moved to Russia, from 1763 to 1862

  • Germans from Russia website

  • German Dictionary
  • Greman Language Translator

  • Old German Script (printed chars and handwritten chars) Example 1,  Example 2

  • Contact Clyde Eisenbeis